About Dasha

She was born in Ostrava, Czech Republic in 1989.
She has got Master degree of Physiotherapy in Olomouc. Her passion is helping others, but she is happiest when she is tramping out in the mountains.
She is scared of heights and needs at least one warm meal a day, or coffee at least.
She loves cooking, sleeping on a ground and watching to bonfire.


Hope is not a feeling. It is not a belief that things will turn out well, but the conviction that what you are doing makes sense, no matter how things turn out.
– Václav Havel

About Jakub

He was born in Frydek-Mistek, Czech Republic in 1986. Even he has got Bachelor degree of Computer Science in Ostrava, he has devoted his soul and body to the mountains.
He loves all outdoor activities, taking pictures, graphic design and all the meals which Dasha cooks for him, except polenta! 🙂

Walk away quietly in any direction and taste the freedom of the mountaineer…
Climb the mountains and get their good tidings.
Nature’s peace will flow into you
as sunshine flows into trees.
The winds will blow their own freshness into you,
and the storms their energy,
while cares will drop away from you
like the leaves of Autumn.
– John Muir

Our Story

For a first time we met in Beskydy Mountains in 2011, but our story has begun far in Turkey in June 2013. We traveled for three weeks throughout eastern Turkey and experienced adventures we only had dreamed before. We arrived back in Czech Republic as a couple and since then we have been doing all the trips hand by hand.

After one year living in busy center of Ostrava we decided to try our luck in South Island of New Zealand in November 2014. We traveled for one month around South Island and then settled down in a lovely town called Wanaka. We have got place to stay, jobs to work, friends to hang with and enough time to explore great New Zealand outdoors. Despite we fell in love with New Zealand on first sight, we know our hearts belong to Beskydy Mountains where we will return one time.

About Project

It is Thursday, 24th November 2016, it is drizzling outside and we just watched the last episode of Transtrabant series (bunch of guys who travel the world with their tiny two stroke cars manufactured in Germany ages ago. Make: Trabant).
Suddenly everything is clear and now we know we have to move on. And because our home is on the other side of the world the journey will be epic.

Are we going to hitchhike?
What about to buy a car in Asia? Or what about bike?
Only if it’s electric bike! I am too lazy to pedal all the way home…

Then we found bikepacking. Minimalist way of traveling on bicycle, where you are not limited for sealed roads and even surfaces.
Our plan is simple:

In October 2017, once our work visas expired we are going to start our journey across New Zealand, then to fly over to Thailand and then on bikes with occasional train transfers all the way to Europe. And if everything goes along the plan, we will arrive home in Autumn 2018.

Fun Fact: Definitely we are not pros or even bikers. We haven’t done anything like this before. We used to use bike to comute to work and around the town. But we love adventure and challenges, that is why we going to do this journey.

If you like our journey and if you want to be a part of it, you can support and help us to fulfill our dreams..